Breaking Glass Pictures acquires world rights to Eco-Terrorist: The Battle for our Planet by Peter Jay Brown with music by Drew Schnurr—a follow-up to the 2010 feature documentary Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist.
Drew Schnurr is a composer, sound artist, and performer from Los Angeles whose work blurs traditional lines in music, media, and sound.
As a composer for media, Drew has produced music and sonic branding for numerous world brands and media conglomerates. He is also an active concert composer and sound artist with a diverse range of international commissions and exhibits.
Revered by his peers, industry professionals, and critics, his work has been called both “rare” and “remarkable.”
“This composer bends and stretches rules within his own aesthetic, weaving his musical ideas in harmonious waves that threaten to drown, yet gently tumble the listener forward with intrigue and anticipation.” -Adam Rosenthal review for Persee: Orchestrated Perception
for Mezzo Soprano, Alto Saxophone, Violin, and Cello [cat. sc19]
Written after the melody from Madrigal by Vincent D’Indy with lyrics by Robert de Bonnières. The original musical material was used as a cantus firmus for the new composition. Traditional cantus firmus technique is one that utilizes a pre-existing melody (traditionally a sacred chant song) as a foundational compositional structure for a musical work. Here the melody and words are faithful to the original. My utilization of cantus firmus recontextualizes D’Indy’s melody within new musical structures with a postmodern sensibility.
The original composition by D’Indy is a love song in the traditional madrigal style. It’s musical construction was rooted in a static even procession of time and harmonic rhythm. The introduction to my piece musically signifies this linear choral like construction. It then transitions to a repeated minimalist framework in the strings accompanying interludes between the voice and saxophone.
for Mezzo Soprano, Alto Saxophone, Violin, and Cello [cat. sc19]
Written after the melody from Madrigal by Vincent D’Indy with lyrics by Robert de Bonnières. The original musical material was used as a cantus firmus for the new composition. Traditional cantus firmus technique is one that utilizes a pre-existing melody (traditionally a sacred chant song) as a foundational compositional structure for a musical work. Here the melody and words are faithful to the original. My utilization of cantus firmus recontextualizes D’Indy’s melody within new musical structures with a postmodern sensibility.
The original composition by D’Indy is a love song in the traditional madrigal style. It’s musical construction was rooted in a static even procession of time and harmonic rhythm. The introduction to my piece musically signifies this linear choral like construction. It then transitions to a repeated minimalist framework in the strings accompanying interludes between the voice and saxophone.
Breaking Glass Pictures acquires world rights to Eco-Terrorist: The Battle for our Planet by Peter Jay Brown with music by Drew Schnurr—a follow-up to the 2010 feature documentary Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist.
Ascent of Weavers, a visual-music film by Rebeca Méndez in collaboration with Drew Schnurr at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Exhibits from November 30, 2018 to May 17, 2019.
info @ rebecamendezstudio.com/Ascent-of-Weavers
A virtual architecture by Drew Schnurr, the #ARCH1 (Augmented Reality Concert Hall no.1) prototype was completed on May 15, 2019. Research assistants and producers on the project include Rachel Lanik Whelan and Jacob Thede with programming by Ian Afflerbach.
Ascent of Weavers, a film by Rebeca Méndez with music by Drew Schnurr, featured at the 2019 Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival.
info @ latinofilm.org/ascent-of-weavers
trailer and credits @ rebecamendezstudio.com
Judging films submitted for the 48 Hour Film Project in Dallas. Screenings on July 31 and August 1.